
At Your Convenience: How California Can Make Refunding Bottle Deposits As Easy As Buying Beverages In The First Place.

After decades of consumer and media criticism of California’s failed bottle deposit return program, Governor Newsom and the California Legislature last year finally passed a substantive reform of the...

Taxing Oil Refiners’ Profits: How To Get Back What Californians Overpay At the Pump

Pointing to windfall profits reported by California oil refiners to their investors, Consumer Watchdog issued a report showing that a windfall profits tax is needed to bring California gas...

Pilot Error : How CalRecycle’s New CRV Refund Pilots are Crashing and Burning

CalRecycle is banking on pilot programs around the state, including “mobile” return pilots, to make it easier for consumers to get California Redemption Value (CRV) refunds as the bottle...

Black Gold: The $10 Trillion Dollar Cost of California Oil

The true cost to the public of California’s oil and gas production and combustion is estimated to reach $10 trillion by 2045, a new report released today by Consumer Watchdog finds.  Californians will...

Cash For Trash: Recycling Fraud In California

Recycling fraud is costing Californians hundreds of millions of dollars annually. This report explains the problem and how to fix it. Read the report here.

Waste Haulers: The Square Peg in the Circular Economy

This exposé explores the reasons for the failure of California’s bottle deposit system, which currently has a 57% redemption rate, and puts the blame on the waste hauling industry. The...

Half a Nickel: How California Consumers Get Ripped Off On Every Bottle Deposit They Pay.

For every nickel bottle deposit that California consumers pay in the checkout line, they only get back 2.65 cents. A three-month investigation by Consumer Watchdog found the reason is a failing state...

Betting Against the House: How California’s Leaders Could Gamble Away Our Energy Future On A Western Power Trading Casino

How a Western Energy Grid integration could create a Wild West casino for California's utilities and how ratepayers could foot the bill. Read the report here.

The Price of Pickel: The LADWP’s Ratepayer Watchdog Comes With A $7 Billion Price Tag

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is the largest, most powerful municipal utility in the country. For its first 110 years, the LADWP had virtually no...

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