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KCBA (FOX) – Monterey, CA: Report: State Farm Hike Proposal

Consumer Watchdog accuses State Farm of now trying to raise the rates by 30%, to offset costs, and then funnel money to its parent company.

KTLA-LA (CW) – Los Angeles, CA: State Farm Accused of Funneling Excess Profits

Consumer Watchdog claims State Farm general has grossly overpaid its parent company for reinsurance over the past decade and is trying to have consumers foot the bill.

KGO-SF (ABC) – San Francisco, CA: Discrepancy Between Insurance Legislation Favoring Industry Or Consumers?

Seven on your side found Senator Caballero received more than $1 million from finance, insurance and real estate industries since elected to the state assembly in 2006, the most out of any of her colleagues serving on the senate insurance committee.

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