Latest Healthcare Releases

California Medical Board Votes to Back Legislation to Reduce Accountability, Increase Secrecy for Substance Abusing Doctors 

The Public Calls on Legislature to Maintain Existing Law Protecting Consumers  A complete reversal by the Medical Board of California regarding disclosure and accountability in...

California Attorney General’s Office and Osteopathic Medical Board of California Files Charges Against Bakersfield OB/GYN

Board Set To Discipline License of Repeat Offender Doctor Bakersfield, CA – The Osteopathic Medical Board of California (OMBC) and the Attorney General’s office filed...

Legislation Targeting Maternity Ward Closures Helps Families Seek Answers for Available Local Labor and Delivery Services

San Diego, Simi Valley, Latest to Face Closures Sacramento, CA – Assemblymember Akilah Weber’s bill, AB 1895 requiring the state to conduct community impact assessments before...

Consumer Alert—New Consumer Rights: Patient Impact Statement Consumer Watchdog alerts the public of new rights that California patients have when their consumer complaint is investigated by the Medical Board of California....

Consumer Alert: The Medical Board of California Will Now Accept Patient Impact Statements from Families When Their Complaints are Investigated

Los Angeles, CA – As the Medical Board of California meets in Los Angeles today, Consumer Watchdog released a Consumer Alert video notifying the...

The Osteopathic Medical Board of California Adopts New Patients’ Rights Initiative to Include Patient Voice in Enforcement Process

 Sacramento, CA – The Osteopathic Medical Board of California (OMBC) announced at their January Quarterly Board meeting that for the first time they will consider...

Consumer Watchdog Calls on Medical Board to Comply with Consumer Protection Law Ahead of Resurrection of Substance Abusing Physicians Program

Sacramento, CA – Consumer advocates will address the Medical Board of California at a public hearing today to persuade the Board to follow the law...

Patients Win Voice In Medical Board Doctor Discipline

Sacramento, CA – California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed legislation containing reforms long sought by patient advocates that will increase families’ voice in medical board...

Medical Board Reform Bill That Will Expand Patients’ Voice in Doctor Disciplinary Process Heads to Governor Newsom

Sacramento, CA – Patients will have a greater voice in investigations into harm caused by a doctor under legislation California lawmakers sent to the governor...

Bill To Strengthen Medical Board Oversight of Doctors Passes Final Assembly Policy Committee

Sacramento, CA – Legislation to improve oversight of dangerous doctors and give consumers rights at the Medical Board of California was approved by the California...

California Senate Passes Bill To Strengthen Medical Board Oversight of Doctors 

Sacramento, CA – Legislation to improve physician oversight and give consumers rights at the Medical Board of California was approved by the state Senate 32-1...

Medical Board Reform Bill Moves Ahead to Full Senate 

Public Control, Mandatory Patient Interview, Among Bill’s Consumer Protections  Sacramento, CA – Legislation to strengthen consumer protections and improve physician oversight at the Medical Board...

Kern County Proclaims May 2023 as Latina Maternal Health Awareness Month

Kern County, CA – Supervisor Leticia Perez and the Kern County Board of Supervisors will proclaim May 2023 to be Latina Maternal Health Awareness...

Medical Board Bill Needs Additional Patient Rights to Mandate Disclosure and Participation, Yet Includes Provisions That Will Strengthen Doctor Accountability

Sacramento, CA – Proposed legislation would enact important changes to hold dangerous doctors more accountable in California, but excludes crucial reforms that will continue threaten...

San Diego Doctor Charged with Murder In Patient’s Death Shows Failure Of California’s Doctor Discipline, Patient Disclosure Laws

San Diego, CA -- Patients in California are exposed to harm by dangerous doctors because California law does not quickly discipline or require them to...

Patients’ call for Medical Board reform is front-and-center in Sacramento

Two years ago, and four years before that, and at every legislative review of the Medical Board of California in recent memory, Californians have...

Initial Report of Medical Board Enforcement Monitor Confirms Investigation Delays and Failure to Discipline Doctors 

Initial findings of the Medical Board Enforcement Monitor, released this week, confirm that the Medical Board’s investigations of doctors are hamstrung by funding shortfalls and that prosecutions are undermined by a crippling division between investigators and attorneys housed in different agencies.

Advocates from Across the State Testify in Pursuit of Medical Board Reform

At its Quarterly Board meeting last week, multiple members of the state board that regulates doctors for the first time seriously acknowledged activists’ call...

Consumer Watchdog and Its Volunteer Team of Advocates Fight for Babies’ Rights at the Osteopathic Medical Board

Consumer Watchdog and a volunteer team of advocates attended and participated in last week’s Osteopathic Medical Board Quarterly meeting to testify on issues with...

Physician Licensing Boards Face Executive Director Leadership Changes at Year End

The Executive Director of the Medical Board of California William Prasifka announced his resignation last week stating that his last day will be December...

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