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Can Amazon, Chase and Berkshire Fix American Health Care?

My dry cleaner assaulted me last weekend furious about a thirty percent increase in his health insurance premiums.  Yesterday, a California Anthem policyholder, Josh Libresco, emailed...

Trump’s Health Plan Order Could Bring Back Days of Junk Insurance

Santa Monica, CA -- The White House’s executive order today seeking to allow for more “Association Health Plans” could turn the clock back to...

Outrageous 35% Anthem Rate Hike Could Have Been Prevented

Santa Monica, CA—Anthem is raising rates on 135,000 California consumers who buy individual polices 35 percent because California is one of the few states...

TGIF in America Again?

Sharing the midday, San Francisco sunlight with Bernie Sanders Friday, I had a rare feeling these days, that everything is going to be all...

Single Payer Takes A Step Forward

Late Wednesday afternoon, the Senate Health Committee voted decisively to move S.B. 562 to the floor of the Senate. The Healthy California Act would...

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