Los Angeles, CA – Late yesterday the United States District Court for the Northern District of California ruled that four HIV-positive “John Doe” plaintiffs adequately alleged CVS acted intentionally under...
Los Angeles, CA - CVS acted intentionally when it implemented a drug program that discriminates against people living with HIV, according to Consumer Watchdog and Whatley Kallas, LLP in...
Late Friday a federal court in San Francisco allowed a case against subsidiaries of CVS Health Corporation brought by HIV-positive “John Doe” plaintiffs to proceed, denying CVS’s motion to...
By Victoria Colliver, POLITICO PRO
DRUGSTORE DRAMA: CVS dropped its appeal of a California case involving prescription drug policies for HIV patients that was set to be heard by the...
Los Angeles, CA -- CVS Health Corporation’s dismissal today of an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court of a health care civil rights lawsuit involving the rights of numerous...