Half a Nickel: How California Consumers Get Ripped Off On Every Bottle Deposit They Pay.

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For every nickel bottle deposit that California consumers pay in the checkout line, they only get back 2.65 cents. A three-month investigation by Consumer Watchdog found the reason is a failing state recycling system that leaves consumers fewer options every year on where to redeem their empties while letting special interests—from grocery chains to beverage distributors and trash haulers—get rich at the consumer’s expense.

Read the report here.

Liza Tucker
Liza Tucker
Liza Tucker is a consumer advocate for Consumer Watchdog, following everything from oil and gas to the regulation of toxic substances in the state of California. She comes to us from Marketplace, the largest U.S. broadcast show on business and economics heard by ten million listeners each week on 400 radio stations. Liza worked at this public radio show for a decade, first as Commentary Editor and then as Senior Editor for both Washington and Sustainability News.

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