
Patty Plascencia

Patty Plascencia is a business owner in Chula Vista and has been a leading real estate professional for the past 20 years.  She is a mother to two beautiful daughters...

Laylianna Medina

Susanna Talamantes had a history of pregnancy complications. With her first pregnancy, she suffered from hypertension and gestational diabetes. With her second pregnancy, she was rushed to the ER with toxemia. Her...

Kira Johnson 39-year-old Kira Johnson was a remarkable person. She could speak five languages, had raced cars, possessed a pilot’s license and even skydived as a hobby. She shared this active...

Demi Dominguez Demi Dominguez was just about to graduate from Cal State Bakersfield with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology.  Her plan was to go to graduate school to continue her studies in...

Jennifer Ha Jennifer Ha was a Vietnamese refugee and the matriarch of her thirteen-person household. She had orchestrated her family’s escape from Vietnam. At 38, she ran the family business, two...

Lloyd Monserratt Lloyd Monserratt was a UCLA grad, a rising star in California politics, a Latino Vote Director for the DCCC, a Director at NALEO, a Chief of Staff to a...

Malakhi De Leon Demi Dominguez and Xavier De Leon were engaged and enjoying their lives when a little surprise came: Demi announced that she was pregnant. Xavier was scared but excited. Demi...

Richard Johnson Richard Johnson was a natural with computers. At 23, he was a talented software specialist and planned to relocate to Texas to move up in the tech world. He...

Sabrina De La Rosa Sabrina De la Rosa was a woman who understood her worth. Her mother, Monica, recalls her leaving a job and saying “they just don’t know my value, mom. They...

Tina Minasian

For years, California allowed doctors who were arrested for drug and alcohol infractions, including DUIs, to conceal their arrests from patients. Such doctors, even if convicted, entered a “diversion”...

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