LA Watchdog

Consumer Watchdog Calls On LA City Council To Fire LADWP Ratepayer Advocate Based On His Backing Of Delta Tunnels

Los Angeles, CA -- The Los Angeles City Council should reject a recommendation by Fred Pickel, Director of the Office of Public Accountability at the LADWP, that the city...

Consumer Watchdog Calls On LA City Council President To Appoint Consumer Advocate To Find Next Ratepayer Advocate, Says Pickel Failed LADWP Customers

Santa Monica, CA---Consumer Watchdog today urged City Council President Herb Wesson to name a consumer advocate to the citizens’ committee that will nominate the next ratepayer advocate at the...

LADWP Customer Bill Of Rights Nothing But Paper Without Overhaul Of Utility Bureaucracy And Independent Ratepayer Voice To Hold DWP Accountable

Santa Monica, CA -- The LADWP’s pledge to give customers a bill of rights is a step forward, but the LADWP remains in need of a major bureaucratic overhaul, Consumer Watchdog said today.

Consumer Watchdog Tells LA Mayor That Ratepayers Should Be Paid Interest On Money DWP Owes in Overbilling Scandal And Calls For Transparency About DWP...

Santa Monica, CA -- Consumer Watchdog wrote Mayor Eric Garcetti today that last-minute revisions to a DWP ratepayer overbilling settlement now boost attorneys’ fees 46 percent to $19 million from $13 million, but shortchange ratepayers who should be paid interest on refunds owed them for three years.

LA Voters Kill Measure RRR; Back Real Reform For DWP Rather Than More Self-Dealing

Santa Monica, CA — Angelenos who voted down Measure RRR delivered the message to the largest municipal utility in the country that they will not stand for the dysfunctional Department of Water & Power policing itself, Consumer Watchdog said today.

Consumer Watchdog Urges No Vote On RRR

Consumer Watchdog pointed out that the ballot measure contains deceptive language that allows un-elected commissioners to sign multi-million dollar long-term contracts without City Council approval, removes all City Council...

No on RRR Press Conference

LADWP's Measure RRR on the LA City Ballot is the Rotten Ratepayer Ripoff.

Consumer Advocates And DWP Ratepayers Facing Threat Of Disconnection Over Erroneous Bills Denounce Measure RRR For Giving DWP Too Much Power To Raise Rates

Santa Monica, CA — LA Charter Measure RRR makes LADWP less accountable for its billing errors and allows for the utility to raise rates, enter into private contracts, and increase dangerous fossil fuel emissions without City Council or Mayoral oversight, Consumer Watchdog and Food & Water Watch said today.

RRR, the Rotten Ratepayer Ripoff

Velma, a retired school teacher, explains how LADWP's mismanagement sent her to the ER for high blood pressure after getting a $16,000 bill for water. Vote NO On giving...

KCBS TV-2 Los Angeles: LADWP Ratepayer Gets Incorrect $17,000 Bill

LADWP incorrectly billed a ratepayer in Northridge for $17,000 and threatened to turn off her power, and didn't do anything to correct it until KCBS contacted them.

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