Advocates and Victims’ Families Look Forward To Gov. Newsom Signing Med Mal Cap Reform Bill

By Staff Reports, KCRW 89.9FM Santa Monica, CA May 19, 2022 Click here to listen to the audio of this radio news broadcast segment. Advocates and victims' families look forward to Governor...

Consumer Watchdog, Patients Celebrate Historic Passage of Bill to Update Malpractice Cap After 47 Years, Forestall Initiative Battle in November

Los Angeles, CA – Consumer Watchdog and California families harmed by medical negligence applauded today’s historic 60-0 Assembly vote to update California’s 47-year-old medical malpractice damage cap and restore injured patients’ access to justice.

The Los Angeles Times – Column: Everyone Wins In Compromise To Increase Malpractice Payouts — Especially Victims

Column by George Skelton, LOS ANGELES TIMES May 9, 2022 SACRAMENTO — It’s being called the Sacramento equivalent of the Berlin Wall falling. Or a Middle East peace pact. Long-warring enemies have suddenly negotiated...

Bill Gradually Raising California Medical Malpractice Awards As High As $1 Million Advances

By Madison Hirneisen, THE CENTER SQUARE May 6, 2022 (The Center Square) – Legislation to raise limits on types of California malpractice lawsuits advanced to the State Assembly after Senate lawmakers...

California Bill Seeks to Raise Cap on Medical Malpractice Damages for First Time in Nearly 50 Years

In 1975, the state of California capped medical malpractice damages for pain and suffering to $250,000 and that’s where it's stayed for 47 years. By Alexis Rivas, KNSD NBC TV-7...

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