Latest Privacy Releases

What’s Changed in the New Federal Privacy Bill?

36 hours before advancing out of subcommittee to the full Energy and Commerce Committee Thursday, lawmakers released a revised version of the American Privacy Rights Act

In Letter to Congress, Consumer Watchdog Outlines Weaknesses in the American Privacy Rights Act

Los Angeles, CA — Ahead of the bill's markup Thursday, Consumer Watchdog sent a letter to the Chairs of the House Energy & Commerce...

Privacy Agency Talks Specter of Federal Preemption

The American Privacy Rights Act Would Virtually Defang the California Privacy Protection Agency.

Federal Privacy Law, Sponsored By Microsoft

The top campaign contributor to APRA's author, Sen. Maria Cantwell, is Microsoft, who is endorsing the bill.

As Washington Stalls, CA Legislature Advances A Number of Tech and Privacy Bills

With Congress at an all-time low in terms of the amount of legislation it has passed, the public is turning to the state level as a way to push forward change.

Responding to Clearview AI’s Comments Concerning Consumer Watchdog’s Report on Clearview AI’s Abuses of Our Privacy Rights

In the wake of the publishing of Consumer Watchdog’s report on Clearview AI, both the company’s CEO, Hoan Ton-That, and General Counsel, Jack Mulcaire, objected to...

Consumer Watchdog Report Shows How Wall Street AI Could Cause a Financial Crisis And How it Can Be Stopped

Wall Street banks are seeking patents and trademarks for a range of uses, with JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley seeking AI patents and trademarks for investment, analyzing securities, and predicting stock prices and portfolios.

Hallucinating Risk: Here’s How Artificial Intelligence Is Taking Over Wall Street and What Can be Done About It

Major Wall Street investment banks are pouring billions of dollars into AI research, patents, and financing without adequate safeguards, according to an investigation by...

CA Privacy Agency Debates Scope of Automated Decisions, Proposes Opt Out Preference Signal Legislation

The state’s top data privacy enforcer, the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA), has voted on to send a package of rules surrounding data cyber security...

Consumer Alert: Clearview AI Visit to speak out against Clearview AI's privacy violations, and tell the CPPA that you do not agree to have your face be...

CA Attorney General and Leading Consumer Privacy Agency Urged to Prevent “Clear and Present Danger” to Privacy by Clearview AI Facial Recognition Software

Los Angeles, CA - Clearview AI’s facial recognition software “represents a clear and present danger to our societal norms and our privacy,” Consumer Watchdog...

Are California’s New Draft AI Regs Good?

More and more, AI is making decisions for us without us evening knowing it. On Monday, the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) released draft language for...

The California Public Utilities Commission Oks Driverless Expansion Despite Incomplete Safety Record

A former Cruise lawyer and current CPUC commissioner voted in favor of his former employer

The California Public Utilities Commission Must Reject Robotaxi Expansion

The city of San Francisco said there have been over 240 such reported incidents since the beginning of the year. But you wouldn’t know it if you asked regulators or the robotaxi companies themselves. They don't have to report it.

Consumer Watchdog Applauds CA Privacy Agency’s Investigation into Car Data

California’s privacy enforcement agency is investigating how car companies that collect personal data—a ballooning multibillion dollar industry—are complying with data privacy laws.

The White House AI Guidelines: PR Over Policy

While companies such as Open AI, Meta and Google have agreed to promote “safety, security and transparency” regarding their AI technology with the Biden Administration, the agreement rings more like a virtue signaling public relations move than meaningful action.

What Will CA Data Privacy Enforcement Look Like if it’s Headed by a Former Amazon Lawyer?

The new head of enforcement for the California Privacy Protection Agency was mostly recently a top lawyer for Amazon who defended the monopoly against...

CA Privacy Agency Rolls Out Preliminary AI Regs

We’re getting our first peek at how the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) is approaching its next round of rulemaking surrounding what control we have over our personal information collected by businesses.

Judge Delays CA Data Privacy Law to 2024

California’s new data privacy law won’t take effect until March 29, 2024 after a superior court judge Friday ruled the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) didn’t pass regulations in a timely manner.

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