Patient Safety

Annette Ramirez As she walked into the hospital on August 1, 2012, Annette Ramirez was nervous. At age 48, she was about to have the first surgery of her life; a...

Patients’ call for Medical Board reform is front-and-center in Sacramento

Two years ago, and four years before that, and at every legislative review of the Medical Board of California in recent memory, Californians have turned out to tell the...

Advocates from Across the State Testify in Pursuit of Medical Board Reform

At its Quarterly Board meeting last week, multiple members of the state board that regulates doctors for the first time seriously acknowledged activists’ call for the state to respond...

KNX 1070 AM Los Angeles, CA: Consumer Advocates Applaud Newsom Signing Bill Raising Medical Malpractice Damages Cap in California

By Emily Valdez, KNX 1070 AM Los Angeles, CA May 22, 2022 Click here to listen to the audio of this radio broadcast segment.  Jamie Court, President of Consumer Watchdog, applauding Governor...

Medical Malpractice Deal Could Replace Ballot Measure, Still Raise Monetary Awards

By Ana B. Ibarra and Kristen Hwang, CALMATTERS April 27, 2022 A measure slated for California’s November ballot that sought to raise the cap on medical malpractice awards could be pulled,...

The Medical Board of California and State Legislators Fail to Protect Consumers

By Sasha Lauren, CITY WATCH LA December 9, 2021 MEDICAL WATCH - If a doctor harms you or kills a loved one, what recourse is there in California? What mechanisms track and...

Medical Negligence Caps Harm Women of Color

WOMEN OF COLOR are disproportionately harmed by California’s outdated limits on compensation for patients injured by medical negligence. Systemic inequities in our health care system mean women of color receive lower quality...

‘We Will Not Rest’: March For Justice As Alleged Medical Negligence Case In Manteca Continues

By Laura S. Diaz, THE STOCKTON RECORD February 12, 2021 MANTECA — Shawn Washington III was coughing up blood and having difficulty breathing when he sought help at the Kaiser Permanente emergency room...

Adjusting California’s Malpractice Cap Will Not Increase Doctors’ Insurance Premiums

Medical malpractice insurance premiums increased more quickly in states that enacted caps than in states that did nothing. A national analysis for Americans for Insurance Reform by Robert Hunter, former...

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