
KGO-SF (ABC) – San Francisco, CA: The Fate Of The California Fair Plan

If the California fair plan goes bankrupt, what does that mean for the average consumer, and how likely is that to happen? Jamie Court says you can bet that if the Fair Plan goes bankrupt, and it's a good bet it will, the insurance companies will come after us to pay the debts that they owe.

KPIX-SF (CBS) – San Francisco, CA: Californians Could Face Insurance Surcharges If Los Angeles Fire Claims Deplete FAIR Plan

Consumer Watchdog has been critical of the new regulations. From the beginning it was an attempt by companies to get all ratepayers to foot the bill for disaster losses.

CNN – U.S. Cable: FEMA Received 16,000+ Applications For Individual Assistance

Consumers should try and get a copy of their insurance policy and then start collecting receipts, start recording everything. Many consumers don't know that they have a right to get reimbursement from their insurance company for evacuation costs, and they can get a big portion of their policy limits up front. If you're in an evacuation area and especially if you already know you lost your home, contact your insurance company right away. You can get an advance on your policy limits.

CNN International (US) – U.S. Cable: 5,000 Nuildings Damaged Or Destroyed In Los Angeles Fires

The most important thing to do if you've been evacuated and fear that your home may be lost, is start documenting everything.

KTVU-SF (FOX) – San Francisco, CA: Challenges of Getting Affordable Insurance In CA

Harvey Rosenfield says consumers have been losing coverage as the industry tries to adjust to year after year of catastrophic wildfires. 

KGO-SF (ABC) – San Francisco, CA: Concerns About CA’s “Fair Plan” Insurance

Carmen Balber says it's pretty easy to understand that if you put all the risky people in one basket and something big happens, we start to run into financial troubles.

CNN International (US) – U.S. Cable: More Than 1,000 Structures Destroyed By Palisades Fire

It's a long road, but there are a lot of protections in place in California to ensure that your insurance company does pay what they've promised. It's really important for those who are evacuated now, especially if they know already that they've lost their home, that they start documenting everything and that starts with receipts for their evacuation costs because one thing that some homeowners may not know is that their insurance company will generally cover additional expenses for leaving your home.

KMAX-SAC (CW) – Sacramento, CA: New Wildfire Insurance Fears

It feels apocalyptic in L.A. right now and things have changed for everyone in the middle of this.

KGTV-SD (ABC) – San Diego, CA: Increasing Homeowner’s Wildfire Coverage

Jamie Court believes this plan will make wildfire insurance too expensive to afford.

KGTV-SD (ABC) – San Diego, CA: CA Insurers Must Now Cover Fire-Prone Areas

Consumer Watchdog says this new rule is not the answer. Companies have multiple loopholes they can use to not increase the amount of coverage they are offering in california.

KTVU-SF (FOX) – San Francisco, CA: More Changes For Insurance policies In California

Consumer Watchdog says the regulations are seriously flawed. There is no legally binding commitment in this document that they have to cover more people but we're all going to be paying more.

KFMB CW – San Diego, CA: New CA Homeowners Insurance Regulations

Consumer Watchdog plans to sue to stop the new regulation as the prices could go up by 40 to 50%

KBAK (CBS) – Bakersfield, CA: State Expands Wildfire Insurance Coverage

This was a proposal drafted by a insurance company lobbyists behind closed doors with no public comment. An outrageous abuse public trust.

KXTV-SAC (ABC) – Sacramento, CA: Home Insurance Coverage Rules

Consumer Watchdog worries homeowners will see double digit rate increases.

KMAX-SAC (CW) – Sacramento, CA: Expanding Insurance Coverage In Wildfire-Prone Areas

Consumer Watchdog is calling this a horrible policy put out by the state.

KPIX-SF (CBS) – San Francisco, CA: New Regulation Allows Insurance Companies To Pass On Cost Of Reinsurance

There will be a limit to how much of the costs they can pass along, but Consumer Watchdog estimates it could drive up the prices of insurance by 40%

KTVU-SF (FOX) – San Francisco, CA: Safeco Decides To Stop Selling Condo Insurance In California

Safeco, a branch of liberty mutual, California's fourth largest home insurance company, has filed papers with the California department of insurance that it will stop selling condo policies. It comes just days after Farmers, the second largest California insurer, said it will start selling condo policies and renters policies again.

KPIX-SF (CBS) – San Francisco, CA: New Insurance Rules

Carmen Balber says the insurance companies will make more money, but the crisis will remain. The commissioner has folded to the insurance companies' blackmail.

KPIX-SF (CBS) – San Francisco, CA: CA Insurance Commissioner Announces Enforcement Plain Aimed At Expanding Coverage

Consumer Watchdog is raising concerns that there is no transparency with how companies can set their rates.

KTVU-SF (FOX) – San Francisco, CA: Changes For CA Insurance

Carmen Balber is executive director of Consumer Watchdog and says consumers should be wary.

KGO-SF (ABC) – San Francisco, CA: California’s Insurance Reform Plan

Is Ricardo Lara's insurance plan of action on the side of consumers or insurers? ABC 7 news reporter Stephanie Sierra holds the commissioner accountable on what exactly will change.

KXTV-SAC (ABC) – Sacramento, CA: Report Calls For Insurance Reform

The little hoover commission is calling for more to be done to stabilize the homeowners insurance market in California.

KFMB-SD (CBS) – San Diego, CA: Insurance Crisis Fix May Cost Consumers More

Carmen Balber of Consumer Watchdog says we need a mandate that says if you want to sell home and auto insurance in California you have to sell to Californians and communities that harden their homes.

KCRA-SAC (NBC) – Sacramento, CA: Calls For Insurance Commisioner To Resign

John Garamendi, the first elected California insurance commissioner for two terms over eight years, has called on a fellow democrat and current insurance commissioner, Ricardo Lara, to resign, saying Lara is simply not doing his job.

KGO-SF (ABC) – San Francisco, CA: Calls For Lara To Resign

Congressman Garamendi is calling on CA Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara to resign.

KTTV-LA (FOX) – Los Angeles, CA: CA Fair Plan Is More Costly, Offers Limited Coverage

Carmen Balber says there are some important steps all affected homeowners should take, regardless of their provider.

KCBA (FOX) – Monterey, CA: Report: State Farm Hike Proposal

Consumer Watchdog accuses State Farm of now trying to raise the rates by 30%, to offset costs, and then funnel money to its parent company.

KTLA-LA (CW) – Los Angeles, CA: State Farm Accused of Funneling Excess Profits

Consumer Watchdog claims State Farm general has grossly overpaid its parent company for reinsurance over the past decade and is trying to have consumers foot the bill.

KGO-SF (ABC) – San Francisco, CA: Discrepancy Between Insurance Legislation Favoring Industry Or Consumers?

Seven on your side found Senator Caballero received more than $1 million from finance, insurance and real estate industries since elected to the state assembly in 2006, the most out of any of her colleagues serving on the senate insurance committee.

KTLA-LA (CW) – Los Angeles, CA: Watchdog Group: Insurance Commissioner Lied About Wildfire Coverage

Commissioner Ricardo Lara promised insurance companies would be required to cover 85% of homeowners in wildfire areas in exchange for rate hikes but no such requirement exists in his proposed rules, and the new rules do not provide coverage for policyholders who have been dropped by insurers.

KTLA-LA (CW) – Los Angeles, CA: CA Homeowners Insurance Crisis

The homeowners insurance crisis is taking center stage at city hall while insurance commissioner Lara is testifying inside, Consumer Watchdog is out there saying the regulations he's proposing to deal with the homeowners insurance crisis fall short.

KABC-LA (ABC) – Los Angeles, CA: Homeowner Speak Out Amid Homeowners Crisis

Consumer Watchdog founder Harvey Rosenfield says the insurance commissioner lied and did a bait and switch.

Homeowners Dropped by Insurers Facing Massive Rate Hikes Homeowners who were dropped by their insurance company and confronted with massive rate hikes will speak out at a press conference prior to a legislative oversight hearing of Insurance...

KGO-SF (ABC) – San Francisco, CA: Controversy Over Failed Fire Insurance Bills

The failed bills would have taken homeowner mitigation into account.

KPBS Television – San Diego, CA: Insurer of Last Resort Many California homeowners are hurting, they are facing big rate increases or the threat of nonrenewal from insurance company.

KGO-SF (ABC) – San Francisco, CA: Allstate Eyes California Return, With Conditions Harvey Rosenfield says insurance companies are permitted for the first time in California to use computer models that are black box models that cannot be assessed by the public....

FOX 11- Los Angeles, CA: State Farm dropping policies in these California ZIP codes Last month, State Farm Insurance announced it would be dropping thousands of California policies beginning this summer, nearly a year after announcing it would no longer accept homeowner insurance...

KTXL-SAC (FOX) – Sacramento, CA: Addressing CA’s Insurance Crisis Carmen Balber wants the legislature to require insurance companies provide coverage for homeowners who have taken steps to reduce fire risks and protect their properties.

KPIX-SF (CBS) – San Francisco, CA: Homeowner Insurance Crisis Harvey Rosenfield, founder of consumer watchdog, says the insurance companies are intentionally forcing homeowners into the fair plan as a way of getting every homeowner in the state to...

KTVU-SF (FOX) – San Francisco, CA: Home Insurance in California Carmen Balber says what we need is a mandate that home insurers who want the privilege of selling home and auto insurance in California, sell to every California who...

KABC-LA (ABC) – Los Angeles, CA: California’s Insurance Crisis Consumer Watchdog has been urging for years now that California require insurance companies who want to sell home or auto insurance in California sell to everyone who does the right thing and protects their homes.

KTVU-SF (FOX) – San Francisco, CA: State Farm to Non-Renew Thousands of Policies State Farms last big rate increase came just last week, assuming that they sell insurance policies to people who need it in the state, and now they're canceling more...

KCAL News – Los Angeles, CA: New Plan to Stop Exodus of Insurers Carmen Balber says restoring options for consumers will safeguard an independent transparent review of rate filings by the department of insurance experts which is a bedrock principle of California...

KTVU-SF (FOX) – San Francisco, CA: Using Models To Predict Insurance Rate Hikes Harvey Rosenfield of Consumer Watchdog says this new plan would allow the insurance companies to propose these models without public scrutiny, and there's this there's nothing in this regulation...

KBCW 44 Cable 12 – San Francisco, CA: Chevy Camaro Thefts On The Rise Carmen Balber says we have seen this problem with other cars impact consumers ability to get auto insurance. Insurance companies cannot just increase prices overnight they have to go...

KXTV-SAC (ABC) – Sacramento, CA: Proposed Insurance Changes Carmen Balber with Consumer Watchdog worries the state's process of approving these models won't be transparent enough.

ABC7 – What’s California doing to address the insurance crisis? "One of the other things that we're urging the state to do is create a public model to look at climate risk in California that allows us to look...

Spectrum News 1 (San Fernando Valley) – Los Angeles, CA: Insurance Revenue: What You Need To Know Carmen Balber with Consumer Watchdog says rate increases combined with environmental circumstances, creates the perfect storm for southern Californians.

KFMB-SD (CBS) – San Diego, CA: Insurance Rates Spiking Across The County Consumer Watchdog's Executive Director, Carmen Balber, says insurance companies are claiming inflation and combined with the fear of major fires requires big rate hikes.

KTVU-SF (FOX) – San Francisco, CA: State Farm Has Been Granted An Average Of 20% Increase In Rate Hikes Consumer Watchdog says on top of the 20% average increase homeowners will pay state farm, renters will pay 11% more.

KPIX-SF (CBS) – San Francisco, CA: State Farm Home Insurance Rate Hike Harvey Rosenfield says insurance companies are holding us all hostage to this demand for higher rates and less regulation.

KOVR-SAC (CBS) – Sacramento, CA: Car Insurance Cost Rising Harvey Rosenfield says the number one thing that is driving the rise of costs is the insurance companies' greed.

Spectrum News 1 (San Fernando Valley) – Los Angeles, CA: Fire Insurance Affordability Carmen Balber says homeowners should push state lawmakers to hold insurance companies accountable, so what people can really do aside from shopping around is go to their state lawmakers and say enough is enough.

KGO-SF (ABC) – San Francisco, CA: Consumer Watchdog and the Insurance Commissioner’s Office Are In A Brawl Today Harvey Rosenfield discusses how a big selling point for the Insurance proposal, we were told, was a guarantee that insurance companies would sell more insurance in difficult to insure...

KNBC-LA (NBC) – Los Angeles, CAL: CA To Consider New Rules For Property Insurance Pricing

Jamie Court of Consumer Watchdog says the new rules aren't necessary. Records show California is already more profitable for insurers than many states.

KPIX-SF (CBS) – San Francisco, CA: Insurance Overhaul

Insurance companies for the first time will be allowed to factor in the future risks of extreme weather and wildfires into the rates, that means your insurance rate is probably going up. Officials are willing to make us pay the insurance industry's ransom.

NBC Nightly News: Climate Change Driving Up Home Insurance

Harvey Rosenfield says the insurance companies are using climate change as an excuse to make changes in rules that have saved Californians hundreds of billions of dollars in the last 35 years.

KCAL-LA – Los Angeles, CA: Insurance for High Risk Areas

New insurance deal will mean that California homeowners pay hundreds or possibly thousands of dollars more every year for homeowners insurance.

KTLA-LA (CW) – Los Angeles, CA: Insurance Companies Offering Coverage In CA Fire Zones Again

Consumer watchdog says the deal could lead to extremely high increases in people's insurance bills.

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