News Story

KCRA-SAC (NBC) – Sacramento, CA: Struggle To Get State Records CW litigation director, Jerry Flanagan, says unless there is the threat of public scrutiny, you have no way of knowing that the investigation was nothing more than a sham.

SF Gate – Experts say top Shasta official may have broken California records law

By Alec Regimbal, SFGATE Three months ago, I emailed Shasta County Board Chair Patrick Jones a list of straightforward questions about a board resolution he’d sponsored, which allowed county officials to ignore...

Politico – Jamie Court’s tactics are finally working

By CAMILLE VON KAENEL and BLANCA BEGERT, POLITICO DAY IN COURT: Jamie Court is on the ascent. The president of advocacy group Consumer Watchdog, long dismissed as a Sacramento gadfly, has chalked up some significant policy...

The Los Angeles Times – Questions remain as feds signal an end to DWP billing probe

By Dakota Smith, LOS ANGELES TIMES It was a shocking sight on a July morning in 2019: An FBI van parked outside Los Angeles City Hall and agents upstairs, scouring...

Daily News – Court filing says officials used app to delete texts

By Jason Henry, LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWS El Monte’s city manager and then-mayor used an application that automatically deleted text messages, potentially in violation of state law, to coach an...

San Francisco Chronicle – Safeway was caught overcharging. How to find out if your grocery store is doing the same

By Kellie Hwang, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE Grocery stores and other retailers across the Bay Area have recently been caught overcharging customers, according to county inspectors — a problem that experts...

San Diego Union-Tribune – Opinion: California needs stronger open-government laws — and for officials to follow existing laws

Requiring a more transparent Legislature and making agencies keep public records longer are good ideas. But will officials actually change their ways? By The San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board Consumer Watchdog —...

East Bay Times – California voters made public records a right, will they give it more teeth?

Consumer advocates say agencies' delays in producing records often exceed their own deadlines By John Woolfolk, EAST BAY TIMES Nearly 20 years after California voters made access to government records a...

The Ukiah Daily Journal – The Observer: Paying the price for progress

By Jim Shields, THE UKIAH DAILY JOURNAL It’s amazing how many bright people we have in this county to educate us on the causal factors of what at first may...

KNX-AM (Radio) – Los Angeles, CA: Benefits The Government Transparency Act Will Provide If Passed

By Staff Reporters, KNX – Los Angeles, CA Click below to listen to the audio of this radio broadcast segment.

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