Judy Dugan

Blue Cross Claims Fake Credit for “Free” Care

When I first noticed the ad below while hunting for cookie recipes, I was surprised to see a health insurance company buying a full page in the first pages of a cooking magazine. But reading it was another surprise. The headline touts "Free Annual Checkups," and the text of the Anthem Blue Cross ad takes credit for this brand-new benefit: "100% coverage for checkups, flu shots and other preventive services."

Consumer Watchdog Urges EPA to Re-Test Elantra 40 MPG Claim, Hold Hyundai to Account

Washington, D.C. -- As automakers make their annual pitch for holiday sales, Consumer Watchdog has asked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to investigate Hyundai’s high mileage claims for its popular Elantra model (29/40 MPG city/highway, 33 MPG average).


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