Carmen Balber

Consumer Watchdog executive director Carmen Balber has been with the organization for nearly two decades. She spent four years directing the group’s Washington, D.C. office where she advocated for key health insurance market reforms that were ultimately enacted into law as part of the Affordable Care Act.

Balber is recognized as a leading expert on a wide range of personal insurance issues and has authored or co-authored numerous reports on the auto, health and medical malpractice insurance industries, and insurance rate regulation. She leads Consumer Watchdog’s advocacy to improve patient safety in California, including passage of first-in-the-nation legislation requiring doctors to disclose when they are on probation for sexual misconduct to patients, and legislation requiring doctors to check a patient’s prescription history before prescribing opioids and other drugs. In 2012, she managed the coalition effort to defeat Prop 33, a $17 million insurance industry initiative that would have raised rates on good drivers. Her commentaries have appeared in publications across the country, from the Boston Globe, to the Houston Chronicle, to the Los Angeles Times.

As an organizer with Consumer Watchdog, Balber ran campaigns to pass volunteer-qualified ballot measures enacting the nation’s strongest municipal conflict of interest protections in five cities across California. She also coordinated citizen organizing efforts in Consumer Watchdog’s successful volunteer lobbying effort to block a legislative utility bailout in Sacramento in 2001.

Before joining Consumer Watchdog, Balber learned the ropes at the Colorado and Washington PIRGs. She holds a B.A. in Politics from Pomona College in Claremont, California and is a graduate of the Armand Hammer United World College of the American West (now UWC-USA) in Montezuma, New Mexico, one of 17 secondary schools across the globe dedicated to making education a force for peace, sustainability and change by bringing together youth from a diversity of countries and cultures to live and learn.

Carmen Balber

Politico – Oil industry group drops ballot initiative to drill near California homes

By Wes Venteicher, POLITICO SACRAMENTO, California — An oil industry group is withdrawing its ballot challenge to a California law that bans drilling within 3,200...

Consumer Watchdog to Testify that Five Loopholes in Lara Rule Will Stand in the Way of New Coverage in Fire Areas

Sacramento, CA â€“ Loopholes in the latest regulation proposed by Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara will enable continued insurance redlining and non-renewals in fire zones, not...

Mercury News – Opinion: California governor and commissioner push to raise insurance prices

By Carmen Balber, MERCURY NEWS OPED Gov. Gavin Newsom and Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara just announced separate plans to give insurance companies bigger, faster rate...

Lara’s 85% wildfire coverage plan morphed to just 5%

Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara's latest regulation to get insurers covering California again has another massive loophole. Insurers' so-called commitment to increase sales in risky...

CalMatters – California pushes insurers to cover more homes in these areas. Is your ZIP included?

By Levi Sumagaysay, CALMATTERS California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara unveiled today an effort to force insurers to resume writing policies in high-fire-risk areas — part...

Lara Plan Leaves Home, Condo, Apartment Insurance Unaffordable and Unavailable

Sacramento, CA -- Home insurance will remain unaffordable and unobtainable for many Californians under new rules proposed by Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara today, said...


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Consumer Watchdog to Testify that Five Loopholes in Lara Rule Will Stand in the Way of New Coverage in Fire Areas

Sacramento, CA â€“ Loopholes in the latest regulation proposed by...

Lara Plan Leaves Home, Condo, Apartment Insurance Unaffordable and Unavailable

Sacramento, CA -- Home insurance will remain unaffordable and...

Consumer Groups Warn Lawmakers: Governor’s Insurance Bill Will Cost Californians Billions

Sacramento, CA --- Six consumer organizations warned state Senate...

Governor’s Proposal Targets Prop 103’s Public Rate Review that has Saved Homeowners, Drivers, Doctors $6 Billion on Insurance

A proposal by Gov Newsom would undercut independent public scrutiny of insurance rate increases and jeopardize Californians
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