
Families of Injured Patients Call for Medical Board and Medical Negligence Cap Reform

Sacramento, CA – Today’s CBS This Morning special investigation makes a damning case for reform of physician oversight and legal accountability in California.  The segment documents how the influence of the...

Nursing Homes Want To Be Held Harmless For Death Toll. Here’s Why Newsom May Help Them

By Maura Dolan, Harriet Ryan and Anita Chabria, LOS ANGELES TIMES April 23, 2020 For weeks, nursing homes have been the epicenter of coronavirus outbreaks and deaths in California, making them...

633,000 Signatures For Russ Kussman and Steven Olsen

We have now collected more than 633,000 signatures for the Fairness For Injured Patients Act -- which will adjust the 1975 cap on compensation for injured patients. We expect to...

Medical Negligence Survivors Launch Nov 2020 Ballot Measure Signature Drive For Proposal To Raise 1975 Compensation Cap That Was Never Adjusted

Sacramento, CA -- Medical negligence survivors and advocates for a proposed ballot measure launched a petition signature drive for the Fairness for Injured Patients Act (FIPA), which will adjust...

INJURED PATIENTS – Medical malpractice initiative

By Hannah Wiley, SACRAMENTO BEE - CAPITOL ALERT December 4, 2019 A ballot initiative to adjust the cap on medical malpractice payouts was cleared for circulation on Tuesday, according to the...

U.S. House Narrowly Passes Bill Stripping Rights of Patients Harmed By Medical Negligence

Santa Monica, CA – Consumer Watchdog condemned today’s vote by the U.S. House of Representatives to pass a bill taking away the rights of patients harmed by medical negligence,...

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