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Hallucinating Risk: Here’s How Artificial Intelligence Is Taking Over Wall Street and What Can be Done About It

Major Wall Street investment banks are pouring billions of dollars into AI research, patents, and financing without adequate safeguards, according to an investigation by...

Unseen Hand: How Automatic Decision-making Breeds Discrimination and What Can Be Done About It

Consumer Watchdog released a report spotlighting the profiling flaws of algorithms and submitted a letter this week to the state privacy agency outlining how...

Privacy Dawn: What’s At Stake With Our Data and How It’s Being Protected

Our personal data is sold hundreds of times a day and worth hundreds of billions of dollars, but if regulations for a first-in-the-nation privacy...

Connected Cars and the Threat to Your Privacy

A new report details the privacy problems posed for consumers from connected cars and points to new rules to be developed in California as...

Connected Car Report 2020: The Models Most Open To Hacks

“Connected Car Report 2020: The Models Most Open To Hacks," finds all of Car and Driver’s top 10 best-selling cars for 2020 clearly have features...

KILL SWITCH: Why Connected Cars Can Be Killing Machines And How To Turn Them Off

Developed with the help of car industry technologists, "Kill Switch" finds all the top 2020 cars have Internet connections to safety critical systems that...

Home Invasion: Google, Amazon Patent Filings Reveal Digital Home Assistant Privacy Problems

A new study reveals that Amazon and Google have filed patent applications for a number of technologies that would dramatically expand surveillance of consumers’...

Self-Driving Vehicles: The Threat to Consumers

Self-driving vehicles have become a cultural and political phenomenon. To peruse the breathless headlines is, like a ride in Marty McFly’s DeLorean, to experience...

Amazon Slime: Amazon’s New Consumer Deception

Two Consumer Watchdog reports show that Amazon is deceiving its customers by putting fake crossed-out prices next to its products.  It’s a deceptive marketing...

How Google’s Backing of Backpage Protects Child Sex Trafficking

Details of Backpage’s victims have filled multiple lawsuits, legal actions and government investigations: A 13-year-old girl in Miami whose pimp tattooed his name on...

Google Glass Raises Privacy And Safety Concerns

Google Glass raises privacy and safety concerns, said Consumer Watchdog in a report released Monday.

Google+: A Playground for Online Predators

From March to September 2013, an investigation was undertaken to detail the significant privacy issues Google+ users may encounter when using the service. The...

Liars and Loans: How Deceptive Advertisers Use Google

Google has been a prominent beneficiary of the national home loan and foreclosure crisis of the past two years. The giant search engine company...

Lost in the Cloud: Google and the U.S. Government

An ambitious quest for influence with the U.S. government is starting to pay off for tech giant Google, a Consumer Watchdog investigation has found.  Read...

Traffic Report: How Google Is Squeezing Out Competitors and Muscling Into New Markets

Google has been muscling into new web markets and greatly expanding its dominance of other web commerce sectors since 2007, when the web search...

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