Privacy Cases

Consumer Watchdog Calls Upon Circuit Court to Re-Interpret Internet Law Abused by Tech Companies

LOS ANGELES – An Internet law often cited by tech companies as a defense from any liability for material posted on their platforms must not be used as a...

Magistrate Denies Google Motion Blocking Lawyers’ Access To Wi-Spy Data

SAN FRANCISCO, CA-- A federal magistrate has denied a motion from Google in the Wi-Spy class action suit that plaintiffs said wrongfully would have blocked lawyers’ access to data...

U.S. Appeals Court Rules Google Not Exempt From Wiretap Law In Wi-Spy Suit

SANTA MONICA, CA – A federal appeals court ruled today that Google’s interception of messages from private Wi-Fi networks is not exempt from federal wiretap laws, opening the way for a class action suit in the Wi-Spy case to move forward with possible damages amounting to billions of dollars.

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