Mary Kozanian

Mary Kozanian is a Glendale native who graduated with a B.A. in Communication and Public Relations from California State University Los Angeles in 2014. After five years in the Markting industry, she went on to manage a brick & mortar shop that spcialized in manufacturing and distribution throughout Southern California. She has accreditations in marketing, consumer relations, and operations management. In her spare time, she serves as Director of Public Relations for Society of Orphaned Armenian Relief and commits herself to being of service to her community. Outside of work, her passions are theatre and quality time with friends and family.

Dana Stinson

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Daphne McClendon-Ricks Around their Fresno neighborhood, Daphne McClendon-Ricks was known to all the kids simply as “Mom.” She was the shoulder to lean on, the unbreakable...

Debra Watkins

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Demi Dominguez Demi Dominguez was just about to graduate from Cal State Bakersfield with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology.  Her plan was to go to graduate...

Diane Stewart In 2007, Diane Stewart received two knee replacements because of injuries she sustained in a car crash when she was younger. After the operation,...

Don Stegman After forty years of marriage, Don and Jill Stegman had it all—two beautiful children, a stable relationship, fulfilling careers. But a blood cancer led...

Doug Shulby

He was a father of two with a new RN certification.  But without warning, Doug Shelby found himself in a medical emergency.  Late one night...


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