Patient safety depends on medical providers and hospitals being held accountable when they do harm. When there are no consequences for medical negligence, patient care never gets better.  The California agency charged with regulating physicians, the Medical Board of California, too often protects doctors instead of the patients it is supposed to serve. The doctor lobby holds sway in the California legislature too, standing in the way of reform.  Consumer Watchdog partners with patients and families who have been harmed in the health care system to push back against these abuses, reform the Medical Board, and enact patient safety legislation to make health care safer.

Recent Medical Board Releases

Bill To Strengthen Medical Board Oversight of Doctors Passes Final Assembly Policy Committee

Sacramento, CA – Legislation to improve oversight of dangerous doctors and give consumers rights at the Medical Board of California was approved by the California Assembly Business & Professions Committee with a 10-5 vote today despite heavy lobbying in...

California Senate Passes Bill To Strengthen Medical Board Oversight of Doctors 

Sacramento, CA – Legislation to improve physician oversight and give consumers rights at the Medical Board of California was approved by the state Senate 32-1 this week and moves ahead to the Assembly.  The bill, SB 815 by Senator Richard...

Medical Board Bill Needs Additional Patient Rights to Mandate Disclosure and Participation, Yet Includes Provisions That Will Strengthen Doctor Accountability

Sacramento, CA – Proposed legislation would enact important changes to hold dangerous doctors more accountable in California, but excludes crucial reforms that will continue threaten patient safety, said Consumer Watchdog. The bill creates a public member majority on the...

San Diego Doctor Charged with Murder In Patient’s Death Shows Failure Of California’s Doctor Discipline, Patient Disclosure Laws

San Diego, CA -- Patients in California are exposed to harm by dangerous doctors because California law does not quickly discipline or require them to disclose criminal or regulatory charges against them, Consumer Watchdog said today after a San...

Patients’ call for Medical Board reform is front-and-center in Sacramento

Two years ago, and four years before that, and at every legislative review of the Medical Board of California in recent memory, Californians have turned out to tell the legislature the same story: The Medical Board is failing...

Initial Report of Medical Board Enforcement Monitor Confirms Investigation Delays and Failure to Discipline Doctors 

Initial findings of the Medical Board Enforcement Monitor, released this week, confirm that the Medical Board’s investigations of doctors are hamstrung by funding shortfalls and that prosecutions are undermined by a crippling division between investigators and attorneys housed in different agencies.

Advocates from Across the State Testify in Pursuit of Medical Board Reform

At its Quarterly Board meeting last week, multiple members of the state board that regulates doctors for the first time seriously acknowledged activists’ call for the state to respond to complaints of physician negligence by requiring patient interviews...

Consumer Watchdog and Its Volunteer Team of Advocates Fight for Babies’ Rights at the Osteopathic Medical Board

Consumer Watchdog and a volunteer team of advocates attended and participated in last week’s Osteopathic Medical Board Quarterly meeting to testify on issues with the enforcement process, how the board does not provide equal rights for families, and...

Physician Licensing Boards Face Executive Director Leadership Changes at Year End

The Executive Director of the Medical Board of California William Prasifka announced his resignation last week stating that his last day will be December 30, 2022. This announcement came following his performance review which was held during the...

Consumer Watchdog and Its Volunteer Team of Advocates Join Forces at First in Person Medical Board of California Meeting

The Medical Board of California brought their first in-person Quarterly Board meeting, since the pandemic, to Los Angeles this month.  Consumer Watchdog and our team of volunteer advocates participated in person and by teleconference line to voice our...

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