Consumer Watchdog

Providing an effective voice for American consumers in an era when special interests dominate public discourse, government and politics. Non-partisan.

KNX-AM (Radio) – Los Angeles, CA: Jamie Court Discusses The Pitfalls Of The Commissioner’s Insurance Plan

By Staff Reporters, KNX-AM – Los Angeles, CA  Click below to listen to the audio of this radio broadcast segment.

Daily Journal – State Bar action is overdue in city attorney corruption scandal

By DAILY JOURNAL The State Bar of California is confronting its most significant test yet in proving its reformation efforts. This comes as the FBI...

Insurance Business – Consumer organizations warn lawmakers about California budget trailer bill

By Abigail Adriatico, INSURANCE BUSINESS Six consumer organizations have issued a warning to California state senate and assembly leaders regarding the possible effect of a proposed...

San Francisco Chronicle – State Farm will let some Californians keep home insurance after all. But there’s a big catch

By Megan Fan Munce, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE Some State Farm customers in California who were bracing to lose their home insurance have instead received an...

VC Star – Elias: Planned insurance rule makes consumer reviews meaningless

By Thomas Elias, VC STAR In the insurance business, there are different kinds of black boxes. One is literally a small black box usually inserted...


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Lara Plan Leaves Home, Condo, Apartment Insurance Unaffordable and Unavailable

Sacramento, CA -- Home insurance will remain unaffordable and...

Consumer Groups Warn Lawmakers: Governor’s Insurance Bill Will Cost Californians Billions

Sacramento, CA --- Six consumer organizations warned state Senate...

Governor’s Proposal Targets Prop 103’s Public Rate Review that has Saved Homeowners, Drivers, Doctors $6 Billion on Insurance

A proposal by Gov Newsom would undercut independent public scrutiny of insurance rate increases and jeopardize Californians
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