Medical Malpracitce

Patty Plascencia

Patty Plascencia is a business owner in Chula Vista and has been a leading real estate professional for the past 20 years.  She is a mother to two beautiful daughters...

KERO-BFL (23ABC) – Bakersfield, CA: Pregnancy Care Mistreatment

Patient Advocate Michele Monserratt-Ramos discusses the details of friday's medical board meeting that will focus solely on maternal mortality issues in the central valley starting at 9:00am at the doubletree hotel in Bakersfield.

Medical Board Bill Needs Additional Patient Rights to Mandate Disclosure and Participation, Yet Includes Provisions That Will Strengthen Doctor Accountability

Sacramento, CA – Proposed legislation would enact important changes to hold dangerous doctors more accountable in California, but excludes crucial reforms that will continue threaten patient safety, said Consumer Watchdog....

Rowan Gibbs

Rowan Gibbs had a smile that would light up a room.  He was a happy child with a heart filled with love for his family, and a willingness to...

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