Roasting a politician

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Let’s say I’m alternating between amused and appalled by the note in today’s Capitol Alert that Assemblywoman Nicole Parra has apparently run through so many staffers that she needs to rent a room to put them all in the same place. That’s the plan for the roast she’s throwing herself tonight.

That many ex-employees means a lot of rubber chicken and I’m guessing that she isn’t going to dig into her own pockets to pay for the event. She’ll undoubtedly spend her campaign money, which begs the question: what does throwing a Friars’ Club rip-off have to do with governing the state of California?

Campaign cash is supposed to be spent on politics (getting elected) or legislative and governmental work. But until now, politicians didn’t have to prove that’s where the money was going. New FPPC regulations require politicians to disclose more about meal, travel and gift expenses for just this reason: no one can justify throwing a party for themselves on campaign contributors’ dime. With more sunshine, we’ll see less blatant misuse of campaign funds.

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